I wonder if this is true...
Now, I don't usually borrowed books from the library, but this is a special case, just read the title!!
Now my perspective on aerial photography has changed.
The things that have captured my Eyes, have been captured by my Camera, and possibly captured the Hearts of many.
sbnrnya car sign "a**shole" tu nak maksudkan apa eh? i'm a bit lost.. :P
lawak la maksudnya.
a**hole dalam konteks tadi bermaksud orang yang bodoh/stuped
eh bukan. nk tau joke drp crazy sign tu.
adakah dia maksudkan.. kereta kat belakang dia sgt laju mcm nak terbang, lalu mengejek kereta itu dgn sarkastik? hahaha
lol to the sign XD
apekah buku tu...? i mean, buku tu pasal pe sbnrnya? aerial photography?
kepada Wani, just a sign la. it's humour
kepada akak, yes pasal aerial photography, die ade tunjuk skit camne nak amik gambar dari high altitude, the equipment, dan camne nak settingkan camera
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