Putrajaya time ni sangat cantek, waktu petang dengan matahari yang terang sangat bagus!
Love this pictures of the Masjid Putrajaya
Take away those flags, and the cars, and people might actually think that this picture is taken in Europe
After that, went to the Bazaar Ramadhan to find some grub. The place was packed, how packed?
THAT packed
Lucky! the moon is directly centered to the building!!
I LOVE this sunset picture!! I know sis is gone steal this one
We buka puasa in front of the Kementerian Kewangan
that's it for today!!
aku tau aku adalah your biggest fan in photography (sila jangan kembang lebih-lebih) tapi aku takkan curik laaah~
(kalo curik pun aku buat senyap-senyap je dan ko takkan tau mwahaha)
serius cantek gambar ni sume!!
nak aku printkan? (tak serius.)
oh btw CCC tu pe?
-wahah sebegitu crowded bazar kat putrajaya??!! kalau datang situ kena pakai baju perisai dan topeng gas :PP
-haa pasal gambar 'luar negara' tu.. okoko.. ko boleh edit buang itu bendera pastu ko hantar kat newspaper salam aidilfitri :PP
-mmg lawa gambar sunsetnya xDD as i mentioned earlier, (tp xde sape tau, sy mentionkan kat diri sendiri wahaha).. sky/ocean pics never fail xD
bagus, jangan la curi gambar2 ni, aku nak print dan tampal kat bilik nanti.
lol kalo aku curik + print pon bukan ko share bilik ngan aku kan.
oh...'carrear' and 'caunseling' i see i see.
lawa siot putrajaya...
long time x jejak kaki kat c2...
nk curik gmbr neyh!!!
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